Ideal Window Treatments For Palladian Windows In New Brunswick
Distinctive Palladian windows bring a point of emphasis to your New Brunswick property. These substantial windows featuring an arched window in the middle flanked by two smaller-scale rectangular shaped windows provide lots of sunshine and an amazing view. The question is: how do you place something over these unique windows to achieve the appropriate levels of light and privacy without hiding their shape?
Sturdy, interior shutters are the top window treatments for Palladian windows in New Brunswick. That’s because shutters are custom-made to accommodate the exact dimensions of your non-standard window openings. They maintain the shape, give you outstanding coverage, and complement the breathtaking allure of your Palladian windows.
Interior Shutters Match The Size And Shape Of Your Palladian Window
Customized louvered shutters solve this problem. Both real wood and faux-wood shutters are constructed to match your window's precise size and shape. A framework is fabricated around the border of the window, and louver-filled panels are designed to attach in your frame. If you have a specialty arched design like a Palladian window, you can choose to have the panels on each side reach the highest part of your arch and have the same rounded shape as the surrounding frame, or you could have the arch framed by itself and inset with a a smaller, rounded shutter. Whatever you choose, the louvers remain operational so you maintain excellent control over the amounts of natural light and privacy.
Interior Shutters Give You Control Over Sunshine And Privacy
Of course, sometimes you desire to look through your Palladian window and fill the room with sunlight. In that case, tilt open the slats until you succeed in getting the view or illumination you desire. You might adjust the the slats to redirect the sun’s glare away from any reflective objects or away from your eyes too.
Louvered Shutters Match The Allure Of Your Palladian Window
Consult With The Specialists At Sunburst About Window Treatments For Palladian Windows In New Brunswick
At Sunburst Shutters New Brunswick, we go beyond expectations to help you find the perfect window treatment for every space in your house. We will direct you through our vast assortment of premium window materials and precisely install your treatments so they look their very best. Start your project with a no-charge on-site consultation by placing a call to 732-301-6168 or by completing the following form.